VOICE - Barts Cancer Institute - Queen Mary University of London


We are working with the charity Independent Cancer Patients' Voice to pilot a course in London for cancer patient advocates that aims to explain the research pipeline; from ideas through experiments to clinical trials.

This is the first and currently only patient advocate training scheme of its kind in the UK. The course has been titled VOICE (Vision On Information, Confidence and Engagement) Science for Patient Advocates. Patients from anywhere in the UK are welcome.

Our 5-day course aims to give participants basic understanding of cancer biology and an introduction to research terminology and practice.

VOICE Photos:
Course Details
Who can take part?

The course is open to anyone who:

  • Has personal experience of cancer, either because they have had cancer themselves, or because a partner, close friend or family member has had cancer, or works for a cancer charity
  • Is already actively involved in cancer research (for example as a member of a trial management group or a clinical studies group)

Participants do not need to have any prior understanding of cancer biology.

Anyone who wishes to take part would be expected to attend all 5 days of the course.

An introduction to basic cancer biology
  • What cancer is, how it is caused, how it develops and how it is detected and treated.
  • Course participants will spend time in the research laboratories to help them to build their understanding.
An understanding of different types of cancers
  • Current understanding, new research technologies and the biology of genetic testing and screening.
  • Students will also learn how read and interpret scientific papers.

In addition to this scientific course, we are also running a 2-day course focused on Clinical Trial Design and Analysis.

Course Leaders

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