Centre for Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology

Welcome to the Centre for Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology, where our main mission is to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of cancer cell biology and how these can be therapeutically targeted. We are a centre of excellence in state-of-the-art research and clinical translation, which brings together internationally-recognised basic science and clinical academics. Our central aim is to understand the basic biology of cancer cells and harness this knowledge to identify new treatment strategies. Our Centre is embedded in one of the UK’s top medical schools thus offering excellent opportunities for multidisciplinary collaborations.

Contact us

Centre Lead: Professor Tyson Sharp

Deputy Centre Lead: Professor Susana Godinho

Ground Floor, John Vane Science Centre,
Charterhouse Square,
London EC1M 6BQ

Recent Publications

  • Targeted therapy for LIMD1-deficient non-small cell lung cancer subtypes. Cell Death Dis (2021) 12, 1075. PMID: 34764236
  • Subcellular mRNA localization regulates ribosome biogenesis in migrating cells. Dev Cell (2020) 55(3):298-313.e10. PMID: 33171110
  • A high-content RNAi screen reveals multiple roles for long noncoding RNAs in cell division. Nat Commun (2020) 11(1):1851. PMID: 32296040
  • MLH1 deficiency leads to deregulated mitochondrial metabolism. Cell Death & Disease (2019) 10(11):795. PMID: 31641109
  • Oxidative Stress in Cells with Extra Centrosomes Drives Non-Cell-Autonomous Invasion. Dev Cell (2018) 47(4):409-424. PMID: 30458137
  • A HIF-LIMD1 negative feedback mechanism mitigates the pro-tumorigenic effects of hypoxia. EMBO Mol Med (2018) PMID: 29930174

Latest News

  • Congratulations to Dr Faraz Mardakheh who has been awarded a project grant from the Medical Research Council to investigate how RNA localisation becomes dysregulated during cancer progression. Find out more.
  • Congratulations to Dr Susana Godinho who has been awarded a Cancer Research UK Discovery Programme Foundation Award to investigate the impact of centrosome amplification in cancer. Read the news story to find out more.
  • Congratulations to Dr Lovorka Stojic who has received a Cancer Research UK Career Establishment Award to investigate the the role of long noncoding RNAs in genome stability and cancer. Find out more.
  • Professor Tyson Sharp has been awarded a BBSRC Project Grant - 'The Lexicon of miRISC: Deconstructing the functional complexity of the miRNA induced silencing complex.'

Research Teams

Areas of focus

RNA biology
RNA biology
Clinical translation
Genome stability
Chromosomal biology
Tracking the position and behaviour of individual chromosomes during mitosis. Here chromosome 1 is marked by white fluorescence in-situ hybridisation probes.
Cytoskeletal regulation