Category: General News

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2019 ASCO Annual Meeting

4th June 2019

Professor Peter Schmid, Lead of the Centre for Experimental Cancer Medicine at the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, attended this year’s ASCO Annual Meeting and today presented updated survival data from the IMpassion130 trial.

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International Clinical Trials Day

20th May 2019

Every 20th May, we celebrate International Clinical Trials Day. Clinical methods have evolved drastically over the years, and decades of honing this process has given rise to the present-day standard of clinical trials.

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AR alterations in prostate cancer

16th May 2019

Recent findings from a study published in JAMA Oncology have identified genetic markers within blood samples which may indicate whether patients with prostate cancer will respond to hormonal therapies. The study may represent an important step forward for the development of more personalised treatments for advanced prostate cancer.

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Sun Awareness Week

9th May 2019

As the summer months approach and the weather gets warmer, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun. This week (6th-12thMay) is […]

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IBD and bowel cancer

29th April 2019

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. We recently spoke with Dr Kit Curtius about her work which focuses on understanding how normal tissues evolve to become cancerous, with a particular interest in gastrointestinal pre-malignancies such as inflammatory bowel disease.

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Eliminating cancer stem cells

25th April 2019

Research published today in Cell Stem Cell has discovered a protein which drives an aggressive form of blood cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Inactivation of this protein selectively compromises leukaemic cells while promoting normal blood cell functions.

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