Category: General News

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Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 2018

26th November 2018

November marks Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Pancreatic cancer is diagnosed in over 9,900 people in the UK annually.

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‘The neighbouring effect’: Centrosomal abnormalities drive invasion of surrounding cells

19th November 2018

Centrosomal amplification, a particular change that occurs within some cancer cells, has been shown to drive the invasion of neighbouring cancer cells.

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CRUK Barts Centre welcomes two new Group Leaders

8th November 2018

We are pleased to welcome two new members of academic staff to the CRUK Barts Centre- Professor Victoria Sanz-Moreno and Professor Kamil R Kranc.

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New phase III clinical trial using combination therapy extends survival in triple-negative breast cancer

22nd October 2018

Research provides new hope for people with an aggressive type of breast cancer.

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Immunotherapy shows promise for patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer

17th October 2018

Immunotherapy has been shown to confer an encouraging survival benefit in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (mTNBC).

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Accelerator Award to improve early detection and intervention of blood cancers

9th October 2018

BCI researchers are lead members of an international team to be funded by an Accelerator Award, which will bring together scientists from the UK, Spain and Italy in a bid to improve early detection and intervention of blood cancers.

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