Category: Interviews

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Cancer cell communications

12th March 2021

We spoke with Dr Susana Godinho, Group Leader in Barts Cancer Institute’s Centre for Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology, to find out about her recent paper published in Current Biology. Dr Godinho and her team set out to identify why cancer cells carrying extra centrosomes exhibit increased release of communications packages known as small extracellular vesicles.

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Chromosomal instability in ovarian cancer

26th November 2020

We spoke with Dr Sarah McClelland and senior postdoctoral researcher in her group, Dr Nadeem Shaikh, about the team’s most recent paper, published in Cancer Research, which set out to explore the mechanisms of chromosomal instability in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma – the most common type of ovarian cancer. The study sheds light on how these mechanisms may be able to be targeted to overcome treatment resistance in this cancer type.

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Protein powerhouses – Q&A with Dr Mardakheh

9th November 2020

We spoke with Dr Faraz Mardakheh from Barts Cancer Institute’s Centre for Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology about his most recent research paper, published today in Developmental Cell. The study sheds lights on how invasive cancer cells increase their protein-making capacity in order to boost their growth and invasive capabilities, and identifies a key player involved in this process, which may represent a target for therapeutic interventions.

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Research explainer with Dr Gabriella Ficz

28th September 2020

We spoke with Dr Gabriela Ficz to find out about her recent publication in Nature Communications. The study set out to determine how embryonic stem cells can acquire features that are found in cancer cells.

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Investigating new treatment options for mesothelioma

16th September 2020

Results from a phase I clinical trial led by Professor Peter Szlosarek were recently published in JTO Clinical and Research Reports. The trial was investigating the safety and efficacy of a new drug combination for the treatment of mesothelioma. We spoke to Professor Szlosarek to find out more about the trial, and how the drug combination may be able to help patients with mesothelioma.

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BCI PhD student makes thesis competition national final

14th August 2020

Congratulations to Vinaya Srirangam Nadhamuni, a Clinical Research Fellow at Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, who has progressed to the national final of the 2020 Vitae Three Minute Thesis® competition.

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