Category: Publications

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New tool predicts risk of skin cancer spread more accurately than human inspection

12th October 2023

These results could aid the treatment of individuals most at risk of aggressive skin cancer.

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How cancer cells shapeshift to spread through the body

23rd August 2023

Researchers show how cancer cells rearrange their inner workings to squeeze between obstacles

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Unexpected inhibitor of breast cancer invasion revealed

28th July 2023

The findings could help us to distinguish who will benefit from treatment

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Video: Illuminating the city of cells inside cancer

6th July 2023

A new technique produces stunning, nebula-like images of tumours that provide crucial insights into cancer, how it behaves and how our immune cells attempt to fight it.

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New insight into how a faulty protein drives lung cancer gives clues to why some therapies fail

15th June 2023

The findings could help explain why cancer drugs that target the molecule MET work for some people but not others.

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Researchers shed light on the mystery of liver cells’ origins

30th May 2023

Understanding how new liver cells are created could inform how and why cell growth spirals out of control in cancer

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