Welcome to the BCI Flow Cytometry Facility at Charterhouse Square, London. Our facility is equipped with a wide range of conventional, spectral, imaging flow cytometry and mass cytometry instrumentation enabling high-throughput, multi-parametric single-cell analysis across a number of disciplines.
Our aim is to provide an extensive range of state-of-the-art, professional cytometry services on a fee-for-service basis. We are open to internal (Queen Mary University of London, including Barts Cancer Institute, William Harvey, The Blizard and Wolfson Institute) and external users (academia or industry) and are available for any research projects or commercial work consultations. A wide range of training courses and high dimensional data analysis platforms and services are also available in the facility for all our users.
For general enquiries:
Manager: Dr Manuela Terranova Barberio, PhD m.terranovabarberio@qmul.ac.uk
Please contact the Facility Manager for financial requests, quotations, grant applications, new project discussion or any enquiries for external access.
Team members:
We are located in Room 2.08 and 211 on the 2nd floor of John Vane Science Centre.
Flow Cytometry Facility
2nd Floor, John Vane Science Centre, Charterhouse Square
Queen Mary University of London
Opening Hours
Self-Use Analysers
Please note that prior to using any of our equipment, it is compulsory to complete a registration and attend training.
Services & Staff-operated instruments
General information & registration
If you are a QMUL member, please register to iLab using your QMUL credential. You will need to join your PI lab on iLab and be assigned to a grant code. This is necessary and mandatory to be able to use the instruments. Please email the core at flowcytometry@qmul.ac.uk or iLab support iLab-support@agilent.com for further help.
For external users, an iLab account is preferrable, but not mandatory. Please address your enquires to m.terranovabarberio@qmul.ac.uk
Please see below for more details about acknowledgement.
The BCI Flow Cytometry Core Facility is funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK).
Thank you for your support and recognition!
At the BCI Flow Cytometry Core Facility we offer state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise to take your research to the next level. Offering various services, including cell sorting, liquid and imaging mass cytometry, multi-colour analysis, instrument training, data analysis support, data analysis training and experiment and panel design assistance, we are here to help.
In particular, cell sorting and liquid and imaging mass cytometry are dedicated services provided by the facility staff. These services can be booked and arranged by emailing the general team email at flowcytometry@qmul.ac.uk
Cell sorting
Our facility is a BSL 2 facility and offers cell sorting service on two sorters with up to 16 fluorescent parameters allowing for high-speed multicolour sorting with digital acquisition camera. Both instruments allow sorting with nozzles ranging from 70 to 130 μm and operates the latest version of BD FACSDiva software for acquisition.
Both instruments are run by trained staff members and allow for sterile cell collection with two- and four-way bulk sorting in tubes or single cell (and bulk) sorting into a variety of plates, with sample and collection tube cooling/heating and Index sorting available.
Please see configuration on our iLab page here under Description next to the instrument.
Mass Cytometry
We have two Standard Biotools mass cytometers: one instrument is used for single cell suspension (liquid mode), while the second can be used also for acquisition of frozen and FFPE tissue and cell samples (imaging mode).
These systems use heavy metal isotope-conjugated antibodies instead of fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies and detect them using Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. They are capable of detecting 50+ different antigens and so are ideal for deep-immunophenotyping and clinical trial samples. The team can give assistance in metal tag conjugation and will run the samples and normalise the data for the user.
Experimental planning & Troubleshooting
Expert advice is available on experimental design, troubleshooting and data post-acquisition. If you are new to flow cytometry and need support in planning a new flow or sorting experiment, optimizing the staining and your samples’ preparation or to run longitudinal clinical and not clinical studies, our team is here to help you to achieve high quality results.
We also develop and introduce new techniques and technologies that would be useful to our users. Recently we have introduced spectral flow cytometry and imaging mass cytometry to the lab, enhancing the number of parameters that can be measured. This will enhance the range of applications that we can provide.
If you are interested in acquiring new technologies that could benefit your research project and be added to the facility portfolio, we are happy to collaborate in grant application. Please email m.terranovabarberio@qmul.ac.uk to start the conversation.
Panel design & Data analysis
Support and assistance is also available for high dimensional parameters panel design, sourcing and supply of reagents, data analysis, presentation and interpretation of data.
The Facility also offers access to a data analysis workstation with multiple different data analysis platforms that can facilitate your high dimensional data analysis and data presentation. Please email flowcytometry@qmul.ac.uk for further information.
Fortessa: Equipped with 3/4 LASERS: 405nm VIOLET, 488nm BLUE, 561nm YELLOW/GREEN and 640nm RED
Symphony A3: Equipped with 5 LASERS: 355nm Ultra Violet, 405nm Violet, 488nm Blue laser, 561nm Yellow-Green and 637nm Red
Attune NxT: Equipped with 3 LASERS:405nm VIOLET, 488nm BLUE and 637nm RED
ImageStream: Equipped with 2 CCD cameras and 3 LASERS:405nm VIOLET Laser, 488nm BLUE Laser and 633nm RED
CytekAurora: Equipped with 4 LASERS: 355nm ULTRAVIOLET,405nm VIOLET, 488nm BLUE and 635nm RED
Cell sorters (Fusion & Aria): Equipped with 4 LASERS:405nm VIOLET, 488nm BLUE, 561nm YELLOW/GREEN and 640nm RED
Aria II: Consists of four lasers- violet (405nm), blue (488nm), yellow/green (561nm) and red (633nm)-and is capable of measuring up to 14 parameters.
Aria Fusion in a Biosafety Cabinet: Consists of four lasers- violet (405nm), blue (488nm), yellow/green (561nm) and red (633nm) and is capable of measuring up to 18 parameters. The sorter is in a biosafety cabinet allowing the processing of unscreened human material.
CyTOF & Hyperion: Multi-parameter analysis using Time of Flight Mass Cytometry.
We offer several different training courses no matter where your experience level is with flow. All new users must attend basic training before accessing the self-use analysers.
Please email flowcytometry@qmul.ac.uk for any enquiry.
Basic Training: mandatory training for all users. During this training, you will learn the basics of flow cytometry theory and how to run a cytometer to have more flexibility when reserving our instruments. This is a one-day training course that will include an induction to our facility labs and two hands-on practical sessions to get access to all conventional flow cytometers in the facility. No prerequisites are needed, but a free top-up training may be required to access different platforms. This training runs on a monthly basis, please email the core email to find out when the next training is scheduled.
Aurora Training: during this training, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of spectral flow cytometry theory and will learn the difference between conventional and spectral flow cytometry. You will learn how to interpret and analyse spectral signatures, how to QC and troubleshoot your signatures and reference controls to obtain optimal unmixing. You will also learn how to design and troubleshoot your experiment and the workflow for the SpectroFlow software and the Aurora instrument. Prerequisites: basic training and some knowledge of conventional flow cytometry theory. Please email the core email to find out when the next training is scheduled.
ImageStream Training: during this training, you will be introduced to the ImageStream technology and fundamentals of imaging flow cytometry. You will learn all the necessary tips for panel design, sample preparation and experiment troubleshooting, focusing on the difference with conventional flow cytometry. With a hands-on practical session and data analysis workflow, you will learn how to take advantage of this platform to combine flow cytometry with imaging features and enhance your research project. Prerequisites: basic training and some knowledge of conventional flow cytometry theory. Please email the core email to find out when the next training is scheduled.
FlowJo Training: during this training, you will learn how to analyse your data using the FlowJo analysis platform (also available in the core). No prerequisites are needed. This training is organized with hands-on practical sessions designed for both beginners (with no experience) and more advanced users (with previous experience, but who would like to deepen their knowledge and require advanced analysis requirements). You will learn how to import your data and perform standard data analysis workflow or implement optimized workflow for large data sets analysis. You will also learn to perform post-acquisition compensation, generate statistical reports and ready-for-publication figures or perform data analysis for specific applications like cell cycle and proliferation assays. By attending this course, you will also be introduced to the basic concepts and tools to perform high-dimensional data analysis on FlowJo.