Video: Knowledge is power – how our VOICE science course is helping cancer patient advocates to speak out
Posted on 27th September 2023 by Charlotte Ridler

Knowledge is power: how our VOICE science course is helping cancer patient advocates to speak out

Catherine Wilhelmy, one of our participants on VOICE – our unique science course for patient advocates – shares her experience and why she came all the way from Canada to the Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University of London to join the programme.

Cancer patient advocates share their perspectives on cancer with government committees, funding bodies, ethics committees and other bodies to ensure patient experiences are taken into account in decisions around research, funding and policy. Many have had cancer or have supported close family or friends with the disease. But they may not have a background in science, which can create barriers in some discussions.

VOICE demystifies cancer biology, research and clinical practice through a week of lectures and lab practicals led by the Barts Cancer Institute's expert researchers. It is one of the only patient advocate science courses of its kind in the world, which is what motivated Catherine to travel to the Barts Cancer Institute to take part.

We work with the charity Independent Cancer Patients' Voice to run this course - find out more about them and their work at

Learn more about the BCI's public engagement work

Images from VOICE 2023

Category: Engagement, General News, Interviews

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