Distinguished Guest Lecture – Professor Sir John Burn

G02, Joseph Rotblat Building Barts Cancer Institute, Charterhouse Square, London

We are delighted to welcome Professor Sir John Burn from Newcastle University to present his Distinguished Guest Lecture on Wednesday 20th February, 16:00-17:00. The lecture will be titled: “Getting Ahead of Cancer: Prediction and Prevention” If you would like to meet with Professor Burn prior to his lecture, please contact Emily Marsh (e.marsh@qmul.ac.uk) to arrange a meeting. […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Dr Alfredo Castello

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Dr Alfredo Castello from the University of Oxford to present at the BCI on Thursday 7th March. For more information about Dr Castello’s research please click here. The seminar is titled: ‘RNA-binding proteins step into the host-virus battlefront’ The seminar will be held in the Lister and Young Seminar Room, […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Dr Louisa James & Dr Hamish King

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Dr Louisa James and Dr Hamish King from The Blizard Institute to present at the BCI on Thursday 14th March. For more information about their research, please click here. The seminar is titled: ‘Human B cell maturation at single-cell resolution’ The seminar will be held in the Lister and Young Seminar […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Dr Kalnisha Naidoo

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Dr Kalnisha Naidoo from Guy’s and St Thomas’ to present at the BCI on Thursday 21st March. The seminar will be titled: 'Modelling Metastatic Spread to Human Lymph Nodes' The seminar will be held in the Lister and Young Seminar Room, 12.30pm - 13.30pm.  If you would like to arrange […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Dr Barrie Peck

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Dr Barrie Peck from The Institute of Cancer Research to present at the BCI on Thursday 28th March. For more information about Dr Peck’s research, please read the biography below. The seminar will be titled: ‘Modelling the tumour microenvironment to identify novel targets in cancer’ The seminar will be held […]

Special Seminar – Dominik Glodzik

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

We are pleased to welcome Dr Dominik Glodzik from the Wellcome Sanger Institute to present a Special Seminar at the BCI on Monday 1st April. For more information about Dr Glodzik’s research please click here. The seminar is titled: ‘Causes and consequences of DNA repair defects revealed from whole genome sequences of cancers’ The seminar […]

CRUK City of London Centre Workshop

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

We would like to invite you to the CRUK City of London (CoL) Centre 3D in vitro models for pre-clinical studies of biological therapies workshop. This informal workshop will present and discuss in vitro models that could be used to study novel biological therapies and their combination. Presentations will include 3D multi-cellular models of tumour microenvironments, tumour organoids, […]

Special Seminar – Bjorn Bakker

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

We are pleased to welcome Bjorn Bakker, from the European Research Institute for the Biology of Aging (Netherlands), to present a Special Seminar at the BCI on Friday 3rd May. For more information about Bjorn Bakker’s research, please click here. The seminar will be titled: ‘Karyotype evolution in Chromosomal Instability-driven cancer' The seminar will be held in the Lister and Young Seminar […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Prof Tim Elliott

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Professor Tim Elliott from the University of Southampton to present at the BCI on Thursday 9th May. For more information about Prof. Elliott’s research, please click here. The seminar is titled: ‘Peptide selection in the MHC I antigen processing pathway and its relevance […]

Thursday Seminar Series – Dr Chris Tape

Lister and Young Seminar Room John Vane Science Centre, London

As part of the BCI’s Seminar Series, we are pleased to welcome Dr Chris Tape from UCL to present at the BCI on Thursday 23rd May. For more information about Dr Tape’s research, please click here. The seminar is titled: ‘Single-Cell Signalling Analysis of Tumour Micro-environment Organoids’ The seminar will be held in the Lister […]

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Contact us if you want to find out more about sponsorship opportunities.

E-mail bci-admin@qmul.ac.uk for more information.