Dr Faraz Mardakheh

BSc, PhD
Reader in RNA Biology
Group Leader


Research Focus

My lab utilises state-of-art multi-omics methodologies to study how protein synthesis is dysregulated in cancer cells, and how this dysregulation contributes to various stages of cancer progression.

Key Publications

An ERK1/2-driven RNA-binding switch in nucleolin drives ribosome biogenesis and pancreatic tumorigenesis downstream of RAS oncogene. EMBO Journal (2023) e110902. PMID: 37039106

Purification and quantitative proteomic analysis of cell bodies and protrusions. Star Protocols (2021) 2, 2, 100462. PMID: 33912849

A prometastatic splicing program regulated by SNRPA1 interactions with structured RNA elements. Science (2021) 14;372(6543). PMID: 33986153

Subcellular mRNA localization regulates ribosome biogenesis in migrating cells. Dev Cell (2020) 55(3):298-313.e10. PMID: 33171110

Methods for monitoring and measurement of protein translation in time and space. Mol Biosyst (2017) 13(12):2477-2488. PMID: 29051942


Major Funding
  • 2023-2026- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council project grant, Deciphering a novel interplay between RNA and chromatin, £634,167 (joint application with Dr Paola Scaffidi – Francis Crick Institute)
  • 2022-2023 – Medical Research Council Mid-range Equipment Grant, £780,011 (Joint application with Prof Pedro Cutillas)
  • 2021-2024- Medical Research Council project grant, The role of RNA mislocalisation in cancer progression, £465,334
Other Activities

Member of:

  • RNA Society
  • British Society of Cell Biology (BSCB)
  • Biochemical Society

Each cell in our body contains the same genetic information, yet this information is read out in diverse manners, allowing different cell types to acquire distinct characteristics. Importantly, the decoding of genetic information is often corrupted in cancer, resulting in undesired characteristics, such as unrestricted proliferation and invasion of malignant cells into other tissues and organs.

The decoding of genetic information occurs sequentially from DNA, via messenger-RNA (mRNA), to proteins, the final and functional products of most genes. My lab is particularly interested in understanding how synthesis of cellular proteins from mRNA is dysregulated in cancer cells through the action of an important group of proteins known as RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs).

Using cutting-edge quantitative proteomics, RNA-seq, and bioinformatics methodologies, along with a variety of cell based and biochemical assays, we study how RBPs regulate RNA in time and space, and how this regulation is altered during cancer progression.

Currently, the lab is focused on four projects:

  • The role of mRNA localisation in controlling protein synthesis in normal and malignant cells.
  • How ribosome biogenesis is enhanced during malignancy via specific RBPs.
  • How oncogenes trigger malignancy by dysregulating the RNA binding activity of specific RBPs.
  • How dysregulation of protein synthesis affects antigen presentation and the immune profile of cancer cells.

Ultimately, our goal is to understand how various aspects of cancer progression are mediated by dysregulation of RBPs, in hope of revealing novel therapeutic targets that can be exploited to tackle malignancy.

If you are interested in working/studying in our lab, please e-mail me.

Other Activities

Member of:

  • RNA Society
  • British Society of Cell Biology (BSCB)
  • Biochemical Society
Major Funding
  • 2023-2026- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council project grant, Deciphering a novel interplay between RNA and chromatin, £634,167 (joint application with Dr Paola Scaffidi – Francis Crick Institute)
  • 2022-2023 – Medical Research Council Mid-range Equipment Grant, £780,011 (Joint application with Prof. Pedro Cutillas)
  • 2021-2024- Medical Research Council project grant, The role of RNA mislocalisation in cancer progression, £465,334
  • 2017-2023- Medical Research Council Career Development Award, The role of RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) in breast cancer progression and metastasis, £1,218,815
  • 2017-2020- Barts Charity Grant, £370,603.63 (joint application with Prof Pedro Cutillas)
Recent Publications

TREX reveals proteins that bind to specific RNA regions in living cells Dodel M, Guiducci G, Dermit M et al. Nature Methods (2024) 21(10) 423-434

An mRNA processing pathway suppresses metastasis by governing translational control from the nucleus Navickas A, Asgharian H, Winkler J et al. Nature Cell Biology (2023) 25(10) 892-903

An ERK1/2‐driven RNA‐binding switch in nucleolin drives ribosome biogenesis and pancreatic tumorigenesis downstream of RAS oncogene Azman MS, Alard EL, Dodel M et al. The EMBO Journal (2023) 42(10) e110902

Nbr1 Is a Novel Inhibitor of Ligand-Mediated Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Degradation Mardakheh FK, Auciello G, Dafforn TR et al. Molecular and Cellular Biology (2010) 30(10) 5672-5685

ERG activity is regulated by endothelial FAK coupling with TRIM25/USP9x in vascular patterning D'Amico G, Fernandez I, Gómez-Escudero J et al. Development (2022) 149(10) dev200528

Targeted therapy for LIMD1-deficient non-small cell lung cancer subtypes Davidson K, Grevitt P, Contreras-Gerenas MF et al. Cell Death & Disease 12(10) 1075

Adipocytes disrupt the translational programme of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia to favour tumour survival and persistence Heydt Q, Xintaropoulou C, Clear A et al. Nature Communications (2021) (1)

The elongation factor eEF1A2 controls translation and actin dynamics in dendritic spines Mendoza MB, Gutierrez S, Ortiz R et al. Science Signaling (2021) 14(10)

A preclinical pipeline to evaluate migrastatics as therapeutic agents in metastatic melanoma Maiques O, Fanshawe B, Crosas-Molist E et al. British Journal of Cancer (2021) 125(10) 699-713

A prometastatic splicing program regulated by SNRPA1 interactions with structured RNA elements Fish L, Khoroshkin M, Navickas A et al. Science (2021) 372(10)

For additional publications, please click here

Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr Zeinab Rekad

Research Technician
Mr Martin Dodel

PhD Students
Ms Federica Capraro, Ms Emilie Alard, Ms Maia Cooper, Ms Zaynah Patel

  • 2017: Group leader at Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
  • 2010-2016: Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Professor Christopher J. Marshall’s laboratory, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK. (Regulation of polarity during cell migration via RNA localisation and local translation)
  • 2006-2010: PhD in Biology – Professor John K. Heath’s laboratory, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. (Feedback regulation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinase signalling by Sprouty and Spred)
  • 2004-2006: BSc with Honours Class I in Biochemistry – University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.