Tag: Microenvironment

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Impact of chemotherapy on immune cells in the TME

10th April 2021

Research from Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, has revealed novel insights into the effects of chemotherapy on the tumour microenvironment (TME). The study found that chemotherapy enhances the anti-tumour actions of immune cells within the TME and their ability to support immune responses against cancer.

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Blood vessel protein has protective role in cancer

4th June 2020

A study has identified a novel mechanism that controls tumour growth, involving a particular protein expressed by specialised cells within tumour blood vessels.

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Pericytes and control of cancer growth

29th May 2020

New study reveals novel insights into the role of blood vessels within the tumour microenvironment in the regulation of cancer growth. Understanding this relationship better may provide new avenues that can be explored for cancer therapies.

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The TME: Key to controlling cancer cell growth

10th March 2020

The tumour microenvironment: Key to controlling cancer cell growth Research led by Barts Cancer Institute (BCI), Queen Mary University of London, reveals novel insights into the role of the tumour […]

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New research funded by PCRF

19th July 2019

The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund is supporting two new research projects at the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London. The projects, led by Professor Hemant Kocher and Dr Gunnel Halldén, will aim to identify ways to enhance the efficacy of treatments for pancreatic cancer, to ultimately help those affected by this devastating disease.

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CRUK Barts Centre welcomes two new Group Leaders

8th November 2018

We are pleased to welcome two new members of academic staff to the CRUK Barts Centre- Professor Victoria Sanz-Moreno and Professor Kamil R Kranc.

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