Tag: Resistance to therapy

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Video: Engineering a Tumour on a Chip

29th August 2024

Meet Dr Joash Joy, a postdoctoral researcher working on engineering artificial tumours to explore how cancer therapies can be made more effective.

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Video: Illuminating the city of cells inside cancer

6th July 2023

A new technique produces stunning, nebula-like images of tumours that provide crucial insights into cancer, how it behaves and how our immune cells attempt to fight it.

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New insight into how a faulty protein drives lung cancer gives clues to why some therapies fail

15th June 2023

The findings could help explain why cancer drugs that target the molecule MET work for some people but not others.

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Scientists uncover a promising strategy to combat leukaemia resistance

18th May 2023

Research reveals a vulnerability in leukaemia cells that causes them to fill with toxic fatty acids

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Ovarian cancer’s protective barrier: how the tumour matrix teaches cells to disarm immune attack

15th May 2023

The results suggest new strategies to overcome the cancer’s defences and treat patients more effectively

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Understanding the role of cancer’s circular genome in tumour evolution

23rd September 2022

New research, co-led by Dr Benjamin Werner from Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University of London, indicates that the circular DNA structures present in around a third of cancers lead to extensive genetic diversity within tumours, giving them the ability to adapt rapidly to environmental stress and resist targeted cancer treatment.

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